Halvor Bodin
Artist and graphic designer
Art projects
Design projects
Halvor Bodin works with drawing, film, animation, photomicrography, photography, sound, field recording, sculpture and installation, but is most known as one of Norway’s foremost graphic designers.
As an artist Bodin has exhibited in group shows in New York, London, Paris and Norway. Several public art commissions in Oslo and Buskerud from 2001 to 2018.
Born in 1964, Lillehammer, Norway
Lives and works in Tjøme, Norway
NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists Association)
UKS (The Young Artists Society)
Tegnerforbundet (The Drawing Association of Norway)
Honorary member of GRAFILL
(Norwegian Association for Visual Communication)
TDC (Type Directors Club)
Work archive before 2017 (including art/design cv, old client list, awards, discography, filmography and more)
Art projects before 2017
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Images from the archive (cronological order)

Pages from the Munch by Others book/catalogue,Haugar Art Museum 2013.
View full documentation on the exhibition/book Munch by Others.

Alexithymia II , 2009. Graphite on paper, 71 x 100 cm. View documentation from the exhibition Darkness Descends, New York 2009.
Halvor Bodin (Lillehammer, Norway 1964), studied political science before entering into the field of art through film production and graphic design. His artistic production includes large-scale installations and sculptural works as well as drawing, which he is showing in the present exhibition. Bodin’s drawings balance on the verge between the highly organic and an almost dry subtlety, which stems from intricate imagery and a delicately applied pencil. In some of Bodin’s drawings, his connection to Black Metal aesthetics breaks through the surface of restraint and imbues an image with a multitude of silent, grey flames that outline the jaw and barred teeth of a human figure, which then metamorphs into feather- or leaflike shapes only to melt into circular shapes resembling cell membranes. Thus, Bodin’s drawings allude to the power of creation as well as to the fragility of human existence and capture the viewer’s imagination as the shapes are nearly recognizable and yet remain elusive.
Maria Gry Bregnbak, curator and art historian, Paris.
Art in public spaces
Hydrophopia Series, 12 photomicrographs, C-print, face mounted, 150 x 100 cm, painted walls, audio/video. Torgbygget, Nydalsveien 33, 0484 Oslo, Norway. For the property developer Avantor. The 12 physical works were mounted 18 December 2017. The online versions will gradually be updated with sounds, video and animation including videomicrography and recordings from the building and the surroundings. Documentation.
Urban Ivy, Sibu, Drammen, Norway. Not realized. Documentation.
Gol High School, Gol, N. Hydrophobia Series, Waterlow Park. Hand drawn, digitally colored prints on aluminum. Documentation.
Ullerål kirke, Hønefoss, N. Church altarpiece. Laser-etched steel relief and blue diode [LED] lights and a mobile processional cross in steel, acryl, wood with built in blue led-light glow. Documentation.
Gol High School, Gol, N. Drawing, photography, digital collage print on aluminum, triptych. Documentation.
City Park, four storey car park, Drammen, N. Screen print on tempered laminated glass. The three different glass areas are integrated as parts of the perforated steel outer walls. Documentation.
SHOW_GRID, Drammen Cinema & Media Center, Drammen N. Inaugurated 2001. Five storey grid wall with various elements mounted throughout the building. The grid wall is made of steel, painted in gloss black with close correspondance to the floor made of matte/gloss chinese granite. The elements are: Light boxes: [photography, drawing, computer 3D, CAD, digital collage, all printed on transparency, laser-cut steel, vinyl, layered acrylic and stainless steel frames]. Signs: [computer animated diode [LED] lights, reflective 3M vinyl, acrylic, stainless steel frames]. Wall painting: [acrylic painting on wall]. In addition: Lamps, signage systems and cinema poster light boxes [screen print on glass, vinyl, acrylic, steel, paint]. Documentation.
Group exhibitions
Gamle Ormelet, Tjøme. Summer exhibition. Artists: Knut Steen, Gunnvor Advocaat, Inger Sitter, Edyta Sobieraj, Frank Brunner, Lars Elling, Guttorm Nordø, Thea Andenæs, Era Leisner, Nico Widerberg, Monika Verde, Kaare Storemyr, Helle Kaarem, Tove Mugaas Traavik, Tor-Arne Moen, Halvor Bodin, Andreas Widerøe Hagen, Henrik Placht, Sverre Bjertnæs.
Blind. Kunstnernes Hus/Kino Victoria, Oslo. Artists: Tommy Høvik, Kristian Skylstad, Ingri Haraldsen, Aleksandra Niemczyk, Charlotte Thiis-Evensen, Crispin Gurholt, Kim Hiorthøy, Halvor Bodin.
Munch by Others at Haugar Art Museum 8 June–8 September. Artists: Andy Warhol, Georg Baselitz, Tracey Emin, Marina Abramovic, Louise Bourgeois, Anette Harboe Flensburg, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Mapplethorpe, Enrico David, Ragnar Almén, Unni Askeland, Vanessa Baird, Halvor Bodin, Markus Brendmoe, A K Dolven, Lars Elling, Bjørn M. Gulliksen, Crispin Gurholt, Inghild Karlsen, Lotte Konow Lund, Sonja Krohn, Bjarne Melgaard, Astrid Mørland, Kjell Nupen, Helge Røed, Kjell Torriset, Morten Viskum.
Sigdal Museum. Artists: Kine Nyhus, Kjartan Rivrud, Kristin Lindberg, Baris Akzambarlak, Luciano Ferro, Oda Strand, Halvor Bodin.
Kunst rett vest at Galleri Green, Noresund. Artists: Kristin Lindberg, Marit Eken Kalager, Halvor Bodin.
Darkness Descends at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. Richard A. and Rissa W. Grossman Gallery at Williams Visual Arts Building. From September 1–October 9, 2009. Halvor Bodin: Alexithymia, 2009. Graphite on paper. 27,5 x 39,4 inches (70 x 100 cm). Documentation.
Rock–Paper–Scissors. Group exhibition at Galerie Susan Nielsen, Paris, France 6 June to 18 July 2009. Participating artists: Rune Olsen, LELLO//ARNELL, Elise Storsveen, Halvor Bodin, Sofie Berntsen, Cecilia Jimenez and Christian Messel. Halvor Bodin: Alexithymia II + Alexithymia III, 2009. Graphite on paper, 71 x 100 cm. Documentation.
Darkness Descends: Norwegian Art Now. Group exhibition. Chashama, New York, USA. Curated by Christina Vassallo, the exhibition took place during The Armory Show, March 5 – 8, 2009. Darkness Descends is the fourth installment in a series of M*A*S*H shows produced by Cottelston Advisors in conjunction with major art fairs. For more information including curator’s essay visit www.randomnumber.nu. Two drawings: Halvor Bodin: Nerthus/Eowland; Hydrophobia Series, 2009 + Alexithymia, 2009. Graphite on paper. 27,5 x 39,4 inches (70 x 100 cm). Documentation. + DJ/VJ-set by Halvor Bodin at the Darkness Extends show at Monkeytown in Williamsburg.
Artwood at the Norwegian Wood Music festival in Oslo, N. Works by Per Kleiva, Kristin Lindberg and Halvor Bodin. Kjærligheten er ham fremmed. Han er en for gold en Natur til det. Drawing printed on large format PVC mounted in the woods of Frognerparken. Documentation.
Bjarne Melgaard, Greene Naftali Gallery New York, USA. Video in collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard: Gay Zoo. Documentation.
Bjarne Melgaard & Marie-Louise Ekman, Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö, S. Documentation. Floor motifs, video installation: Life is Not This Text, book: Monster Baby.2006 After Munch, London, UK. Group show at Pollock Fine Art. Two Drawings in the Hydrophobia Series. With Vito Acconci, Vanessa Baird, Halvor Bodin, Lotte Konow Lund, Robert Hawkins, Bjarne Melgaard, Sølve Sundsbø, Snorre Ytterstad, Andy Warhol, Outtara Watts.
Hallo Maybe, with Bjarne Melgaard, Haugar Art Museum, Tønsberg, N. Book: Hallo Maybe, stage set, flags.
Salong 100, Oslo, N. Group show 17–19 December 04. Laser cut steel object.
Playlist, with Bjarne Melgaard, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, F. CD-Cover for Music by Thorns Ltd. Documentation.
Rom for kunst, Oslo S, N. Christmas three calender project. December.
The End of the Professional Teenager at The Gallery at Sketch, London, UK. In collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard in conjunction with Pollock Fine Art. Video installation with 12 projectors [360 degrees]. 12 November–20 December. Documentation.
Galerie Ascan Crone, with Bjarne Melgaard, Berlin, G. Prints with Bjarne Melgaard.
Taboo, with Bjarne Melgaard at Roger Pailhas Gallery, Marseille, F. Prints with Bjarne Melgaard.
Beginnings, Superlow Deconstructions, Daniel Buchholz, Köln, D. Collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard. Photography, digital collage printed on paper, video. Documentation photos.
UKSellOUT, UKS Gallery, Oslo, N. Drawing, photography, digital collage. Photographic paper on aluminum.
Si det høyt. Billboard exhibition on various locations in Oslo, N. Collaboration with Crispin Gurholt.
NOTHING SPECIAL. Paintings And Drawings. Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, DK. Collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard. Layered transparent fabric with digitally reconstructed drawings/photography.
Høstutstillingen. Collaboration/supporting Kristin Lindberg. Digital drawing. Plot on aluminum.
INTERFACE TO GOD, Kunsthalle Zu Kiel, Keil, D. Collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard and Snorre Ruch. CD’s, picture disc, four posters, 6 huge banners, floor-texts, three tents, three videos (INTERFACE TO GOD Kunsthalle zu Kiel. Collaboration with BjarneMelgaard and Snorre Ruch [music]. 2 CDs, picture disc, four posters, 6 huge PVC banners, floor-texts, three tents with three videos (Vortex, Nullo, Anim RMX), 132 page catalogue: Société Anonyme. ©Halvor Bodin/Bjarne Melgaard/Snorre Ruch 2002 , 132 page book Societé Anonyme published by Kerber Verlag.
BLACK LOW – THE PUNK MOVEMENT WAS JUST HIPPIES WITH SHORT HAIR, mARTa HERFORD Museum, Herford, D. Collaboration with Bjarne Melgaard. 160 page book published by Kerber Verlag, 2 posters, clothing.2001 TRANSPARENT STREET MUSIC, Blå, Oslo, N. Collaboration with Crispin Gurholt and Kathy Hinde, Joanna MacGregor, Matthew Fairclough and National Touring Concerts. Video for Live music.
SCHPAA – DU HAR IKKE EN SJANS – TA’N!. Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen, N and Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, N. Catalogue, poster, photographs, film stills.
TRANSPARENT PLASMA, Oslo Open, 13 locations in Oslo, N. Collaboration with Crispin Gurholt as Transparent Productions. Video on 13 plasma monitors in various restaurants and on the web.
PAVE THE EARTH – ta framtiden tilbake, Samtidskunstforum [Anders Eiebakke], Oslo, N. Group exhibition curated by Erling Fossen. Drawing, photography, computer 3D, digital collage printed on paper, diptych.
EMPTYSPACE, THE ULTIMATE FUSION. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, N. Collaboration with Crispin Gurholt as Transparent Productions. Installation with video, sound, neon lights, printed magazine cover, web.
MY CITY OSLOW, Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. In collaboration with Torgeir Holm, Erling Fossen and Esben Johannesen. Photography, text, drawing, interactive game on website and a local version in physical exhibition space. Also exhibited in Barcelona, Sp.
H2O, Akerselva, Blå, Stretch, Oslo, N. 15 minutes short film Hydrophobia [BetaCam SP]. Music by Satyricon and Neil Cole aka Djum Djum (Leftfield).
Transparent Reminiscenses of Family, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, N. Video animation for Crispin Gurholt’s graduation exhibition.
Halvor Bodin
Artist and graphic designer
Art projects
Design projects
Halvor Bodin works with drawing, film, animation, photomicrography, photography, sound, field recording, sculpture and installation, but is most known as one of Norway’s foremost graphic designers.
As an artist Bodin has exhibited in group shows in New York, London, Paris and Norway. Several public art commissions in Oslo and Buskerud from 2001 to 2018.
Born in 1964, Lillehammer, Norway
Lives and works in Tjøme, Norway
Moveien 21
3145 Tjøme
+47 971 86 808
NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists Association)
UKS (The Young Artists Society)
Tegnerforbundet (The Drawing Association of Norway)
Honorary member of GRAFILL
(Norwegian Association for Visual Communication)
TDC (Type Directors Club)
Work archive before 2017 (including art/design cv, old client list, awards, discography, filmography and more)
Art projects before 2017
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halvorbodin (cycling/running/veganism)
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︎ halvorbodin
︎ halvorbodin
NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists Association)
UKS (The Young Artists Society)
Tegnerforbundet (The Drawing Association of Norway)
Honorary member of GRAFILL
(Norwegian Association for Visual Communication)
TDC (Type Directors Club)
Work archive before 2017 (including art/design cv, old client list, awards, discography, filmography and more)
Art projects before 2017
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Flickr photo archive
halvorbodin (cycling/running/veganism)
︎ bodin
︎ halvorbodin
︎ halvorbodin